Pocket Cinema Camera
Blackmagic have launched thier latest video camera offerings. One of which is a Super 16 HDR Video Camera, check it out here…

Solar Cell
An inexpensive, easy to use, practical, every day solar USB system. Check out this hugely successful ‘Brown Dog Gadgets’ Kickstarter project here.

Good-bye Unsharp Mask
This is a great example of the blind leading the blind. The web is a great source of information but sadly not all opinions out there are credible.

Ironman3 Extended Look
Not just a great film franchise but seriously… This movie trailer is simply the best I have ever seen.

David McCandless
David McCandless turns complex data sets into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections

Chris Jordan
Artist Chris Jordan shows us aview of what Western culture looks like. His supersized images picture some almost unimaginable statistics.

Space Paintings
Watch this amazing spray artist create a ‘SpacePainting’. This guy is seriously talented and his art reflects this talent.

The Undertones